je vous laisse le loisir de combler mes lacunes pour ce qui est des bases (vocabulaire et formules de base, chiffres ...) mais je veux vous donner cette source, bilingue Gàidhlig et anglais :
Tha do shùilean a 'tàladh mar fhàil òir
Cho soilleir, cho sìtheil, cho prìseil thar glòir
'S do bhòidhchead gun choimeas mar eal' air a' chuan
O Mhairi-Eilidh, 's tu mo rùn
'S bi gillean a'bhaile a radh, "Tha thu faoin
Chan eil i ach mar nathair a mealladh gun smaoin"
Ach tha mo dhìlseachd cho domhain gun ghrùnnd
Gun fhois, gun iomall, gun chadal, 's gun sùnnd
'S g'e daor do phògan 's cruaidh do chrìdh'
'S g'e daor do bhòidean briathran gun bhrìgh
Latha 's a dh' oidhche tha m'anam gun sìth
'S g'e daor do phògan leanaidh mi
(2x) (2x)
O'n a chunnaic mi do mhaise tha m'aigne gun tàmh
Long mo thuigse gun shéol 's gun ràmh
'S ged tha mi a'tagradh cha ghabh thusa ùidh
O Mhairi-Eilidh, 'eil mi ruith na gaoith?
'S g'e daor do phògan 's cruaidh do chrìdh'
'S g'e daor do bhòidean briathran gun bhrìgh
Latha 's a dh' oidhche tha m'anam gun sìth
'S g'e daor do phògan leanaidh mi
'S g'e daor do phògan leanaidh mi
Your eyes are enticing like a ring of gold
Bright, peaceful and more precious than glory
And your beauty is unequalled like the swan on the ocean
Oh Maryellen, you are my love
And the boys of the village say, "You are foolish
She's like a serpent carelessly deceiving you"
But my faith is deep, fathomless
Without peace, without end, without sleep, without joy
Though your kisses are costly and your heart is hard
Though your vows are costly words without substance
Day and night my soul has no peace
Though your kisses are costly I will persevere
On seeing your beauty my mind has been restless
And the ship of my understanding is without sail, without oar
And despite my pleading you pay no attention
Oh Maryellen, am I chasing the wind?
Though your kisses are costly and your heart is hard
Though your vows are costly words without substance
Day and night my soul has no peace
Though your kisses are costly I will persevere